The whole truth and nothing but the truth

There is a island in the Pacific Ocean on which there are three tribe lives.

* the Whites, who always tell the truth,
* the Blacks, who always tell lies,
* and the Greys, who lie and tell the truth alternatively but their first answer may be either trusth or lie.

These natives always gather in groups of three, with one representative of each tribe in the broup.

A visitor to the island approaches such a group of three natives, and had the following conversation with the

first native.

* Are you the White, the Black, or the Grey?
** I am the Grey.

* And what about yout friend here?
** He is Black.

* So your other friend is the White?
** Of course.

Now, a question to you. Was the 'other friend' white? and if not, what was he?


Nagoric said...

He is Grey

হাসান সুমন said...

His first statement was lie and He is the White...

Apple Mahmud Khan said...

because white never tell lie. and grey tell lie or should be black.

Unknown said...

Other friend is Black

Anonymous said...

Hi all. I see everyone tried their best to answer correctly. And among all Motahar gave the only correct answer. Let me explain it. Answer is grey. How? Well, here it is. The key idea lies in finding with whom the visitor was speaking.
Nothing specifically is said in the puzzle that with whom (White/black or grey) the visitor was having conversation. So we have to consider three possibilities here.
1. Visitor speaking with a White. But as a white always tells the truth he won’t never reply in the 1st question that “I am the Grey”. Hence, visitor was not speaking with white.
2. Visitor speaking with a Grey. In this case the 1st and 3rd reply of the grey should be true and 2nd one must be false.if the 1st and 3rd reply of the grey becomes true, then there’s only one person left in the group of tribe which is black. And it implies that 2nd reply also becomes true! (impossible). A grey doesn’t tell truth consecutively 3 times. So we cancel this possibility also.
3. The remaining is black. And from the principle of deductive reasoning it implies that the visitor was speaking with the black because in 1 & 2 I proved that visitor was not speaking with white and grey and it means he must be having conversation with the black.
Now the solution is as plain as water. As black always lies, he lied in 1st reply by saying he is grey. And in his 2nd reply ‘he is black’ is also lie. Now consider his 3rd reply ‘ofcourse’. It was also lie. In the 2nd reply case his friend was white and in the 3rd case ‘the other man’ was grey.
As he was black himself, so ‘the other man’ can never be black. The otherman can either white or grey. From 3rd question he said ofcourse, the other man was white. But it was a lie. So it means in reality the other man was grey.
Those who instantly come to a conclusion without properly linking the given data lack in analytical thinking ability.

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